Vibhuti Agarwal, WSJ, 18 June 2022 The lone star tick can also cause a rare reaction, known as alpha-gal syndrome, that causes humans to become allergic to sugar molecules in certain meats, leading to people being unable to eat red meat. 2022 But he may be forced to cut down his trees and switch to sugar cane or wheat if there are a few more years of bad harvests. 2022 Beat in the salt and confectioners sugar a little at a time, then add the maple syrup and beat until smooth and creamy. 2014 Peel six lemons, add peels and raspberries to sugar and muddle well to bruise the peels and smash the berries. Carl Engelking, Discover Magazine, 16 Sep. 2022 This protein binds to sugar molecules on the surfaces of more than 90 different bacteria, viruses and fungi, as well as to the toxins released by dead bacteria. Josie Garthwaite, Discover Magazine, Will sugar or Viagra help my Christmas tree last longer? - Wyatte Grantham-philips, USA TODAY, 10 Dec. 2023 Green chlorophyll, which dominates during the growing season, absorbs light energy for photosynthesis, the conversion of carbon and water to sugar. Elizabeth Woolley, Verywell Health, 22 Jan.

Verb There is some evidence that lemon juice can slow the conversion of carbohydrates to sugar, thereby preventing a spike in blood sugar. Ben Mimscooking Columnist, Los Angeles Times, 19 Feb. 2023 The requisite glaze on top adds plenty of sweetness to the intentionally over-the-top treat, so don’t skimp on the sugar here. Molly O'brien, Travel + Leisure, 19 Feb. 2023 Together, the two cities are an under-the-radar, low-key region of the south boasting the same white sugar-sand beaches and spectacular outdoor space as the Florida panhandle - with significantly fewer crowds.

Grace Linden, Smithsonian Magazine, 21 Feb. 2023 Add-ins run the gamut from blueberries to chocolate chips, lemon, sugar, candied ginger, ham and tomatoes. 2023 Avoid prepared frozen meals that contain high sodium and high sugar counts. 2023 Cooing and belting about her virtues as a no-hassle, dirty-chic sugar baby, Petras was magnetic - the hit’s secret weapon, revealed. Andrew Simmons, San Francisco Chronicle, 23 Feb. 2023 Now, a few years after canning her first batch, her business, That’s My Jam, sells pineapple-berry, strawberry-fig and other low- sugar blends at the West Oakland Farmers Market. 2023 Diabetes is a medical condition where the body’s blood glucose, or sugar, is too high, according to ADA. Noun The meal ended with a bowl of soba noodles and an Okinawa black sugar crème brûlée.